We are wrapping up the year with a review of October, November, and December.
Pinterest gave us this delicious recipe for Baked Spaghetti in Bread.
DIY's and crafts continued as we put the finishing touches on the nursery with bedding, a ribbon mobile, Scrabble Art, and Rain Gutter Bookshelves.
We anticipated the arrival of then Baby Herface and told her all of the things we wanted her to know before she arrived.
10/11/12 brought our biggest moment of the year when Elise was born. Then the warning that time really flies once you have kids came true as we saw her turn 1 month and then 2 months old.
And, now 5 goals for 2013:
- Clean out and organize the basement.
- Start (and complete!) a 365project; one photo a day for 365 days, to improve my photography skills. I've chosen Elise as my subject, so as an added bonus, I'll chronicle her first full calendar year in photos.
- Lose weight - is there ever a year when this isn't a goal?
- Plan and execute an awesome 1st birthday party for Elise (help me please, Janette!)
- Try my hand at sewing some cute dresses for Elise.

You had the best 4th quarter of all!
I think your 365 photo goal is awesome! Great subject.
Happy New Year!
I love your rain gutter bookshelves! The nursery is so perfect for your beautiful lil girl. <3
oooh you should try tutu dresses! They are so cute!
Ha-weight loss is always a goal, and even when you reach it, then it's maintaining that goal. It's one of those constants in life!
I can't wait to see what you do for Elise's first birthday!
I'm thinking of trying the 365 photo a day goal too. Maybe we can keep each other motivated!! :). And baked spaghetti bread, I die :). lol
no lie, I have been dreaming of that spaghetti bread since I saw your picture. Its still early enough to head to the store for everything I'll need to make it myself TODAY!
Love your recaps and can't wait to see what next year brings for you and your sweet family. Maybe a brother or sister for Elise?
i've been wanting to try that baked spaghetti!
Oh you will be so glad if you do the 365 with your daughter- will be so glad you have those pictures as yes it goes way way too fast! It would be really cool if besides whatever picture you want to take every day if you take a picture of her in the same spot everyday-- something without a lot of background and possibly in just her diaper-- and then after a year of pictures you can put it all in a slide show that goes super fast and actually watch her grow! I wanted to do this with my youngest from the day he was born but since he came 8 weeks early and spent his first few weeks in the NICU I just never did.
Her nursery is adorable! Love it!
Thank you so much for recapping with us all four weeks!
Oh! Sewing baby clothes is totally easy! You just need time and about a yard (or less) of fabric. :)
I have a couple of patterns, if you'd like them (I bought for a friend's daughter, but she grew up before I had a chance to sew them).
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