

Elise is such a sensitive little girl. She already shows a great concern for others - if you tell her that someone is sick once, she will ask you every time that we see or talk about them if they feel better. Because of the Rev's line of work she hears of illness and hospitals often, its just a part of his calling and we don't hide it from her. It will be a part of her reality, just as late night visits to families who have just lost loved ones and visitations to funeral homes will be. We don't dwell on these things and we don't offer great detail, but we do speak to her in terms that she can understand and encourage her to pray for or offer help to people that need it. And if you tell her that we need to pray for someone she does it right then, "Dear God, help so and so feel better, Amen."
When a friend brought to our attention that the Ronald McDonald House in our neighboring area was trying to fill the house with 5,000 Valentine's cards to brighten the day for the families that will spend the holiday there, I knew that the project would be perfect for Elise. Not only would she get to help others feel better but she would get to use stickers and the coveted markers, which are still reserved for special, supervised occasions. She took her job seriously and even parted with some of her favorite Lisa Frank stickers (where are my 80's friends?).
I hope she always takes such joy in helping others feel better and always remembers to #SendLove. 

1 comment:

Sarah Shumate said...

Sharing favorite stickers - that IS a big deal!! Really cool of you to get involved in this. I volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House every week in college and loved how the community would always come together for events and holidays to help out!

(And yeah, big LF fan here. I had the notebooks, the pens, the stickers, everything.)