Rev: Did you move my shoes?
Me: No, where were they? (I should note that most often if the shoes had been moved (please read: put in their proper place), I would be the culprit.)
Rev: I left them outside by the front door after I sprayed weeds last night.
Me: Who would take your shoes, but leave my phone and other stuff in the car alone?
Both: Sassy!
Yes, that is right, Sassy, the neighborhood dog, who has been hanging out on the neighbor's porch 2 doors down for a while now, stole the Rev's shoes! Upon further investigation, we realized that she actually took both of the Rev's good tennis shoes and 1 of his yard shoes--not really sure why we weren't wearing the yard shoes to spray the weeds, but anywhoo...
We've managed to locate both good shoes (1 was 3 or 4 streets over where she is supposed to live!), I'll keep you posted on whether the other shows up or not! If not, I think this look could become quite least he has on clean socks...

I can guarantee you right now that trend will never be popular. I pray the Rev finds his shoes. ;o)
haha the dog wanted new shoes and love the picture rocking the cock/sandal look
Hilarious! Although I must say that socks with flip flops drives me absolutely crazy!!!!!
We had a neighbor dog like that! The socks and flip flops aren't makin it for me but my hubby wears socks with sandals and drives my neighbor up the wall and she never fails to comment on them. I just laugh!
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