
I {Heart} Vacation!

So, we just got back from a little beach vacation-- a great break, full of family, food and fun! Here are a few pics.

(Photo: L to R - The beach house, crazy sideways beach shot, the canal behind the house)
(Photo: clockwise from top L - The pier at Dockside, a unique old tree, the Rev enjoying the waves, and a few feathered friends)

(Photo: This is what happens when you are on Phase 7 in Phase 10 and the Rev figures out what color you need.)
(Photo: The best thing about this picture, besides the roasted corn that I gobbled up at the Blue Crab Festival, is the fact that my $3 faux Coach sunglasses disguise the fact that my sunburn left me looking like I had been punched in both eyes!)

Now you may be asking yourself where my Mom is in these shots, let's just say I got a few incriminating photos that will make good bribe material later. BestBuys and Kiki, I'll be willing to sell them to you for the right price.

1 comment:

Mandi Shandi said...

Where'd you go? Love those shades, and Rev and I would be great partners at Phase 10. It looks like he uses a lot of the same techniques as me! HA!