So when I saw this recent issue of All You magazine (have I mentioned my magazine addiction?--don't forget that WalMart discounts magazines 10% every day) boasting on the cover that it contained over $51 worth of coupons, I was in! Combine these coupons with the expanded Cosmetics department at the new WalMart and I was stoked! Here is the breakdown of what I got and what I saved:
Sea Breeze Astringent
Jane Lipbalm
N.Y.C. Lip Slider
Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara
2 Sally Hansen Color Quick Nail Pens
Total Retail Price: $28.37 + $2.24 (magazine) = $30.61
Cost after Coupons: $14.14 Total Savings: $16.47

And did I mention, this great score? I had been stalking these great Better Homes & Gardens hurricane vases for a while, just waiting for them to go on sale. When they closed the old WalMart, they started putting a lot of stuff on clearance. I patiently waited and was rewarded big time. I got not 1, but 2 of these huge vases for only $3.50 each! And it got even better--I scored this pair (yes 2 of them in one box!) of buffet lamps with red shades for only $4!

HEy friend! I'll keep you posted about another swap so you are sure to join in. And don't feel bad, my town is small is and cliquesh too. Almost all of my friends are still in TN.
You and I are cut of the same mold with all these bargains. I LOVE the BH&G line at Walmart right now.
I love bargains too! It gives me tingles when the "YOU SAVED: ..." equals the amount paid! (My husband thinks I'm cookoo, by the way, for getting sooo excited about a deal.)
I read your comment on Mandi's photos of the Pink & Green Swap and wanted to send you a couple of links. I'm not sue how to do that though! Anyway there's a a spring item swap by Sherbet Blossom that you've gotta sign up for by the 12th. Check it out. Also, you may want to keep an eye on SwapDex which catalogs current swaps. I'm new to the blogosphere and I can tell you this is a great way to meet new people - the pink & green was really fun!
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