
Is It All In My Head? Yes....and No

So, to catch you up to speed...on and off for the last 3 years, I have smelled smoke, but it's not really there. I've had more sinus infections than you can count and now 2 ear infections in less than 3 months. Finally a Dr. listened to me and decided this is not normal and maybe there is something real going on, it's not just all in my head.

I mentioned to you last Wednesday that she had me scheduled for a CT scan to see what we could find. They called me Thursday with the results and sure enough, I have a tumor on my sinuses. They believe based on the shape that it is benign, but we will go tomorrow to an ENT to discuss options and next steps.

My first thought was relief that they found something and I am not crazy - there have been many times in the last few years that the smell has really made me feel like I was going nuts. Of course, my second thought, was "Happy 10th Anniversary, you have a tumor!" (Also, is it possible to say tumor in a non-Arnold Schwarzenegger accent?)

My head has hurt constantly for the last 3 weeks and the pressure in my ears is insane, so I am really looking for relief and healing. We are going to some of the best doctors available and I feel confident that they will come up with the right plan for me, but if you are inclined to pray, we would certainly appreciate it. I'll keep you updated.


Sarah Shumate said...

Oh, my! I didn't realize after your last post that you'd been smelling smoke for THREE years! I'm glad they've figured it out, but I will certainly pray that the tumor is benign and they'll be able to remove it easily. I guess the good news is - at least smelling fake smoke hasn't harmed your lungs! :)

Jill said...

I really hope this is the step to finally getting to the bottom of this problem for you! I am so inclined, so I am sending prayers your way...

Connie said...

Oh my gosh! So glad you finally got someone to listen to you!