
Elise - 10 Months

Dear Elise,

I can't believe that you turned 10 months old this past weekend! Here is what you are up to:

•You weighed 17lbs. 5oz. and were 28 inches long at your 9 month checkup.

•You still take a bottle every 4 hours and eat plenty of other yummies. You've started feeding yourself finger foods in the last month, though you don't like to pick up anything squishy... 

•You are getting a little better at sleeping through the night these last 2 weeks, when your teeth aren't bothering you....

•You wear size 2 diapers.

•You are wearing all 9 months clothing and still have a few outfits that you haven't worn yet, so let's hope the warm weather lasts a few more months.

•You have a tooth! One little crooked one, with another on the way....this pic I took of you hanging upside down shows it off perfectly!

•You have your own version of dancing and it is hilarious, it involves a lot of arm waving, and shaking of your head!

•You are still a crawling machine, super fast, and you do laps taking tiny steps holding onto the furniture, we think you will walk before your first birthday...

You took your first family vacation this month, with a trip to the beach. You enjoyed the pool, the aquarium, and the sand, but you weren't sure about the waves.

We love you more every day!

Mommy (and Daddy!)


Jill said...

Such a cutie! Love that pic of her new tooth!!

Connie said...

She is just precious! And getting so big!

Sarah Shumate said...

Is she touching a sting ray in that picture? What a brave little chickie she is! :o)

Emmy said...

She is so so cute!! You should get a vide of her dancing it sounds adorable. Waves can definitely be scary things. Yes, it does sound like she will be walking soon

Paloma said...

She is absolutely adorable! <3

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

OOOH!!!I spy Mommy for a change!!! She is gorgeous!!! I love the bedding still, love the 10mo sticker on her onsie, I love that you share these sweet moments!! They go SO FAST!
What's her 1st birthday theme?