
365project - Month 2 Complete!

Another month complete! Can I just say that I am loving this project? I see so much change in our girl day to day and I know that one day I will be so happy that I documented it all!


Anonymous said...

I am SO jealous. I documented most everything from the baby days and stored it on my laptop and usually had it backed up on an external drive but my mom needed her computer fixed and my husband used our external drive to save her stuff while he fixed her computer thinking he could just back our stuff up right after but our computer crashed a day later and we lost EVERYTHING. I'm still crushed to this day. The only pictures I can is what's on Facebook. All my videos are gone.

Connie said...

I can't wait to see how much she changes! Good idea Mama.

Rebecca said...

so jealous they didn't have this when Little man was born

Emmy said...

Yes you totally will!! Jealous as I never did this with any of my kids. I did do the monthly photo with Ryder his first year but this is so awesome.

Janette @ The Johanson Journey said...

I wish you could import those into instagram for me to see when you post them. So cute!!