
Tipsy Tuesday (#184)

Because I suddenly have a desire to scrub every square inch of my house....

Tip #184

but can't bend over my pregnant belly to do so, I'll use a Bounce sheet to dust the baseboards.

A dryer sheet to dust can help in many ways. Not just because it kicks the dust to the curb since it banishes static, but because it actually coats as it cleans for residual dust-fighting power. When used on your baseboards it can not only help repel pet hair, but generally  keep the things that get tracked in and out of our home off the walls and on the floor where it can be swept up. If you have a Swiffer or something like it, just attach the dryer sheet to the bottom of the mop head and run it along as frequently as your house seems to require the chore. (from Apartment Therapy)


Unknown said...

I did this earlier this year. It really works! I had my kids do it. They are closer to the floor!

Jill said...

Really?!? My mom is always giving me crap for my dusty baseboards... I will need to do this!!

Beth W said...

DUDE! Thank you....my baseboards need help, and I have an abundance of dryer sheets.