I am trying to get faster, but I just can’t make myself type misspelled words or abbreviations—this is also the reason that college note-taking was a nightmare. If you are interested in receiving the most beautiful, grammatically correct texts known to man, at a speed that would make a snail look like he is amped on the Toddlers & Tiaras diet of Mt. Dew and pixie sticks, I am your girl!
Do you text? How long did it take you to “get it?” Am I just too old to learn a new trick?

I think you and I may have been separated at birth! And we need to hook up playing Word With Friends (Facebook's version of Scrabble). Spelling is my strong point (unless the words are way over my head!), and texting is slow going for me too. I do, however, now make my sentences mostly correct, but pass by capitalizing, and use a few abbreviations. =) Have a great weekend!
It didn't take me long to text quickly, but I cheat- I have a slide phone that opens to a QWERTY-style keyboard. So my fingers already know what is where. ;)
i don't text but i do tweet and there is still a lot i don't get thank goodness i know people who don't mind answering my questions
This seriously made me LOL! I am the same about sending texts with no abbreviations! :o) It takes me forever, too, and I've been texting since 2008 or so. The iPhone is even harder to text on than regular keypad phones, IMO. You'll get faster at it though!
It gets easier. However, I do have to suspend my title of "Grammer Queen". Found you on TTUT
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