Tip #170
so it needs to be front and center in the fridge.
Studies show that you will most often eat (or drink) whatever is at eye level in the refrigerator, so if you are trying to increase your water intake, or get more fresh fruits and veggies, be sure to store them on a shelf that you'll notice right off the bat...and don't forget to stock the fridge with healthy choices at your kid's level, too!
**Alright now, I'm talking tips, head over to see what Impulsive and Shawn are talking about on Talk to us Tuesday!**
I actually eat more food that is hidden from my family.
Like Peanut M&Ms.
I can't plan this one--the top shelf center front is the only place my hubby will put anything in the refrigerator. Drive me nuts when I go looking for something that's supposed to live in the door because it's been shoved behind the other stuff he puts there.
This is so true...I have no problem drinking tons of water (it's my favourite drink) but if things disappear into the back of my fridge, I totally never think about them!!! Note to self: Move the fruit & veggies UP! Haha!!
That is so true. You would be surprised at all the things that get pushed the back of the fridge. And for some reason, it's always the stuff that Roy wants and can't find.
i NEED to drink more water, i KNOW that, but do i? Nope...now, if water only tasted like pepsi I would have no problem! LOL
Unfortunately, our fridge is usually only stocked with healthy shiz....which is probably why I drove to the donut store this morning. I never eat donuts! But today was different. And Emma loved them. I may have started something that I didn't want to start. We'll see.
Water is my favorite drink in the whole wide world (while pregnant. You know what my fav drink is when I'm NOT).
If your thirsty at our house your choices are water, milk, or a can of Fresca. I may sometimes have sweet tea but we are huge water drinkers here.
The only times there's junk in the fridge is when my hubby goes to the store, he cannot be trusted!
Thanks for joining the party!
i drink water all day
good tip. the veggie drawers and fruit drawers in our house are filled with bottled water- sortof hard to miss it- this does explain why all of the items on our 2nd shelf are always first to go!
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