
Tipsy Tuesday (#115)

Not just for forks and spoons…

Tip #115

Did you know that you can use an ordinary utensil organizer to:

  • keep rollers, clips, elastics, brushes, combs, and irons in one place.

  • stash your costume jewelry. You can even poke earring backs through the mesh to keep them paired up.

  • organize tea packets and kid's drink packets for easier access.


    Impulsive Addict said...

    Seriously, do you make this stuff up or do you have a handy dandy website? I would NEVER think of this. EVER!

    Screaming Meme said...

    You are ONE smart cookie! Hi, Im Meme from Screaming Meme. I wanted to stop in and let you know about my giveaway series. This week is a slipcover...next week is a surprise...:) I hope you can stop in and sign up for oneof them...I look forward to your visit.

    Xo, Meme