
Worth Repeating...

October is Ministry Appreciation Month and as a pastor's wife, I would be extremely remiss if I didn't let you in on life on the other side and the myriad of reasons you should show your pastor, his family (and any other ministry staff in your church) some love.

I want to preface all of this by saying that I have been on the other side of the pulpit, so to speak, sitting in the same pews that you occupy, totally oblivious as to what my pastor REALLY did for the kingdom and his congregation....so, this is all said in love....let's put on our steel toed boots and get through it together...

Join me at Everyday Christian to find out 5 Things Your Pastor Wishes You Knew.

(Originally posted on October 15, 2009)

1 comment:

Diane B said...

Well said. Thanks for all you do Rev and thanks to my Pastor as well.