
I {Heart} Tulips!

I heart tulips! They are my favorite flower ever and a sure sign that spring is just around the corner. Aren't these tulips beautiful?

Know what makes them even more special??? The Rev bought them for me for no special reason at all...not a holiday, not a birthday...he wasn't even trying to get out of the dog house. Say it with me...AAAWWWWW...

Now, all you fellows out there pay attention--sometimes we ladies want flowers, or chocolates, or bubble bath, or that new magazine that we would never buy for ourselves--for no reason at all other than you love us and are thinking about us. Who knows, do something special for your gal and she could do this in return...

That's right boys, Cream Cheese Frosted Chocolate Dipped Strawberries!

P.S. So, I don't get accused of being chauvinistic, ladies, if you have'nt done anything "just because" for your fellow in a while, why not today?

1 comment:

Mandi Shandi said...

That was so sweet of him, but I am having a hard time getting over the "cream cheese dipped chocolate covered strawberries". I love everything listed there, and literally stared at the pic 30 seconds to make sure I was reading it right. I'm so gonna have to make a WW version of this.