
You Have To Make This!

I have to apologize in advance to Jill because she is working like a beast to get birthday bikini ready (and she will absolutely make her goal!)...so Jill, I still love you the most, but stop reading...everybody else? Go make It's Always Autumn's S'mores Pizza now! It is that ding dang good. We savored it along with perfect weather, dinner on the grill, berry picking, great friends, and fireworks on the 4th.

And because I know you need something to get you over this hump day, here are a few pics of my little firecracker on the 4th!


Jill said...

*sigh* throw a few ketchup chips on top of that delicious lookin' dessert and I'd be yours forever!! ;) (Oh yeah, I so totally did not stop reading, by the way)

Your girl is ADORABLE!!!!! Glad to hear you guys had such a great 4th!

Connie said...


I love that Smore Pie!

Mrs. Match said...

Your little girl is growing up SO FAST!! WOW! She's beautiful!
That smores pizza looks delicious. I'm a sucker for all things smores.