Tip #187
and because it took us 30 minutes to install the car seat and that makes me pretty sure we will need to reference said instructions again...
we are instituting the binder system.
Take a binder, add some page protectors, and insert any warranty paperwork and the instruction manual for whatever the gadget might be into an individual sleeve. Then when you need to reference the manual for the vacuum, blender, or the car seat, you have everything in one convenient location.
**Alright now, I'm talking tips, head over to see what Impulsive and Shawn are talking about on Talk to us Tuesday!**

We have all our booklets for baby stuff, appliances, etc in a kitchen drawer but it would def be safer in a binder!
Just last week, I was looking for the manual for my stove to try and figure out how to use the self-cleaning option. Couldn't find it anywhere. This idea... it makes sense ;)
what a cool idea to bad babies didn't come with instructions it would make it easier in those first few weeks
Such a good idea! I might have to steal it.
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