Tip #160
Sadly, I have no magic wand that I can wave to make your dog more respectful of your clean space, but I did a little research and found that the type of doormat that you use can help out a little.
Wet and muddy dirt will be best removed by an absorbent, textured mat, that is designed to act as a scraper mat, something like this. While dry dirt and trash will be best captured by a softer, carpet-like mat, almost like shag carpet, look for something like this.
Now, getting your dog to actually use the mat....that is all on you....
**Alright now, I'm talking tips, head over to see what Impulsive and Shawn are talking about on Talk to us Tuesday!**

I don't know where my aunt got it but we have this dirt catcher rug that really works. It holds a ton of stuff in it. It's great for dogs!
I keep a towel by the back door and make the dogs stop right inside on the door mat telling them to sit and wipe their paws...then I wipe their paws for them with the towel - while not 100% effective, it sure does cut down on the wet/muddy paw prints throughout the house. ;) Maybe adding an absorbent textured mat will make it closer to 99% effective. :)
Warrior Cats Easter, Monsuno Obsession, Honeymoon Wine, Fairy Hobmother
keep a towel by the door when you know they will track in stuff... that's about all you can do.
Right now I'm not all that concerned about our floors. We plan on getting new floors so this could change. We don't have to deal with mud all that often though and I have mats at the door to help catch stuff from everyone's shoes.
It wasn't a GRIPE! I was just "asking for suggestions". And by golly, you came through for me! I'm going to look for that rug. It's kind of ugly but maybe they have some cuter ones. Lexi's wet dog paws on my clean floor make me wanna drink and you know I'm on the wagon these days.
Thanks for linking up Sweets~ xoxo
forget the dog i want to know how you get a cat to stay off shelves and tables
Thanks for looking into this. Now- can you figure out a way to keep your table clean after eating on it each day? I have messy kids... and I can't locate one of those ole' square elastic covers that act as a tablecloth to use so I can wipe it down and not have my wood ruined! That's what i"m on a mission to find.. b/c seriously those table covers are ugly. hugs!
You have taken the "ask and you shall receive" quote to a whole new level. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks for linking up with us Mis Stacie!
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