The Rev is on week 3 with pneumonia and it has been pretty miserable around here....for everyone. Week 1 was plain, old pneumonia. By week 2, I guess he decided that wasn't enough fun, so he added in a cold. Week 3 rolled around and he decided to up the ante even further and add in some sort of allergies. He is having a hard time getting well, which I don't understand at all, since he has enough antibiotics and steroids in his system to kill even the resistant mold that lives in the cracks of the bathtub.
I've been relegated to the spare bedroom so that I can stay well, my DVR is backed up with my shows since he is either watching TV or playing PS3 while he rests, and there is a permanent Rev sized butt print in the loveseat. And to top it all off, the poor fellow is going to have to drag himself out of bed tomorrow to perform his 2nd funeral in the 3 weeks since he got sick. It has to get better soon, right?
P.S. FYI, If you are looking for sympathetic, willing-to-help-the-sick type of people, they do NOT work at the WalMart pharmacy......

3 weeks?!?!??!! That is horrible! Hope he begins feeling better soon & that he avoid the illness!
Get well quick Rev!
So the past 3 weeks have been joyful for other people too, not just me, huh? Sorry to hear that the Rev is sick. 3 weeks is a long time. (It's felt like an eternity around here.) Wishing him well!! And I'll keep my fingers crossed that you don't catch anything!!
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