
Tipsy Tuesday (#149)

Just in case you resolved to exercise more....

Tip #149

and you need that extra little push...peppermint to the rescue.

The smell of peppermint, researchers say, boosts mood and motivation during physical exertion and improves athletic performance. They suggest that sniffing the scent during workout sessions may give you the extra push that you need to excel.

But, sorry, ladies and gents, I don't think this means that you can exercise while eating a York peppermint patty...

**Alright now, I'm talking tips, head over to see what Impulsive and Shawn are talking about on Talk to us Tuesday!**


Connie said...

That's a bummer because I really like York Peppermint Patty!

Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

So, I guess Junior Mints are out too? :(

Impulsive Addict said...

Whaaaat? So when I'm at the gym, should I stick a couple of peppermints up my nose? I'm really needing a boost in my motivation too.

Thanks or linking up, Lovie! xoxo

Jill said...

My mom was just telling me about peppermint the other day! So maybe I need to get some kind of peppermint-scent for my new Scentsy warmer and put it on when I'm doing my exercise videos! Which reminds me...I need to dust those off, they've been lying unused for the past two weeks...

Emmy said...

No way! I didn't know that- that is awesome

Unknown said...

I used to suck on these when I was nauseous when I was pregnant - now I have an excuse to have more!! :)


Rebecca said...

darn and i was all excited about eating a peppermint atty while bike riding just my luck

Becca said...

Oh my goodness I have a recipe for home made peppermint patties...want to make them but my butt will not thank me for it..

You just had to say peppermint...didn't ya!

Mamarazzi said...

my trainer told me the same thing. he has this peppermint gum that he MAKES and i chew it every time i work out. i swear it helps me breathe better and get a better work out. so yep, there must be something to it!

Shawn said...

You should already know that my Peanut is always in high gear but what I'm sure you don't know is that her favorite candy is Starlight Candies...your tip explains A LOT!

Thanks for linking up!