In what world, do 4 Milk Duds count as a serving? I suppose this is perfect for parents who want to ration out the Halloween sweets, not so much for us grown ups who look forward to the Halloween treats hitting the shelves…oh, well at least its only 54 calories…if you stop at 1 box…

I knew there was a reason that I didn't like milk duds. For one, they are sticky on my teeth and 2) They only give you 4 in a box! Soooo stupid!
4 milk duds isn't even a mouthful...
omg you are suppose to stop at one box not one bag i knew i read that label wrong..lol
Maybe they wanted the box to remain small and that's all they could fit. They should make smaller milk duds to make it seem like you were getting more.
I gave you a blog award today. First one I had received so had to pass it along.
Stop at one box? Like that's gonna happen, lol!
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