Tip #133
Even though they put that cute, little egg shelf in the door of the fridge, using it is actually a no-no.
You shouldn't store eggs in the refrigerator door, because every time the door is opened, the temperature fluctuates affecting the freshness and safety of your eggs. The best place to store them is in the original carton, on a middle shelf in the refrigerator.

Well, I'm glad to know that b/c my fridge doesn't have one of those. I was super bummed too because my old one DID have one and I really liked it. I guess it was a blessing in disguise! =)
didn't know this as i'm a country girl and eat them straight from the chicken coup where i gather them
AND...we were informed by the health inspector (when they came for evaluation for our daycare) that we should store eggs in their original container away from all other foods like in one of the bottom vegetable drawers! I never knew that! Question though...what do I do with my vegetables then?? LOL
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