And then…because it was still about an hour before school let out for the day, the phones went nuts! No damage to anything in our area that I can see, and about 15 seconds max, but enough to send parents into a tailspin, wanting to know if school was letting out early…usually I at least get a break until the first cold rain or snow flake falls, but not this year, only 6 days in and already it has begun.
Dear winter weather, please wait as long as you can..."Are you closing early?" is the most annoying question...ever...

I felt nothing! It's so crazy. I guess I was walking out to my car when it happened b/c they were talking about it in the radio and also when I got back to work from lunch everyone was talking about it. It's funny how some people missed it but others in the same office/area experienced it.
Wanna hear something cool?? WE FELT IT! UP HERE IN CANADA!! Well, some of us did anyways. We had a much worse tremor last summer (the epicenter was closer to us) - but I was sitting at my desk, and it was the weirdest feeling. Like my chair was wobbling, and I had to check to make sure I wasn't doing it. My boss was standing in the middle of the office, and I said, "Do you feel that? I think it's an earthquake..." He felt nothing, but the other lady in the office sitting down did.
Hope for your sake the winter weather holds off as long as possible! ;)
I felt my first earthquake last year.... Was really weird.
glad everyone is okay
I noticed my computer monitor shaking and I didn't think twice of it. Then someone texted me and asked if I felt the "earthquake". Sounds like it was more exciting for you.
I'm so glad that you survived. I was a little worried about you.
I've tapped into my neighbors wifi since I still don't have my internets up and running. Or my phone line. It's been since July 8th that it was turned off. AT&T is HORRIBLE. Like the devil but maybe a little worse. I wish I had other options here in HELL.
Earthquake was strange... now to get through the hurricane... hope you stay safe. We moved inland some but my daughter is still in Delaware at our house with the dogs. Prayers for all in the line of it for sure!
Earthquake was strange... now to get through the hurricane... hope you stay safe. We moved inland some but my daughter is still in Delaware at our house with the dogs. Prayers for all in the line of it for sure!
Hi there.)
Oh, you ve got such a cute blog!! I love it!
Nice post.))
I need your help (maybe again) ...
Do you anything about PayPal? If yes, can you say me about this system?
I feel like I live in the most boring place on earth.. its the same thing every day-- hot, hot hot and ya'll have earthquakes, crazy storms and a breeze probably in the temps of the high 70s'... lucky for the excitement but can't imagine dealing with all the parents freakin' on the whim for everything!
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