
Monday Miscellany

No rhyme or reason (hence the miscellany), just what is bouncing around in my head today...
  • I want to go back to school, not really, but I really love school supplies, especially all of the cute stuff at the Dollar Spot at Target. They have the best selection of lined notepads, oh how I love lined notepads...

  • This past week was crazy--we had Revival at church through Wednesday, which meant my days were off, and I stayed up way too late because we didn't get home until like 10 and I have to unwind, I can't just come right in and go to bed. Now my sleep schedule is all off...

  • On top of that, long story short, the Rev is having to change schools to finish his degree--this is VERY unexpected and has resulted in a whole bunch of paperwork, loan apps, and other red tape, plus an extra semester tacked onto his time....AAAARRRGGGHHH!

  • Why do they make all of these Disney TV show songs so darn catchy? Embarassing when you catch yourself singing one...

  • I love the smell of bleached laundry...this is a recent development.

  • Shopping with my Mom is like running a marathon...you better know what you are getting and get it quick! And memorize what she is wearing because she'll be like 2 football fields ahead of you and you'll need to be able to keep visual contact or get lost...

Yep, that is all of the stuff that I just had to get out. What about you? Do you ever just have random thoughts?

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog... I hear ya on the Disney songs! I catch myself singing them at the oddest times and places.

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