30 Skills Every Woman Should Have Before Turning 30
1. Hard-boil an egg
2. Diplomatically tell Mom (mine or yours!) to butt out
3. Ace a job interview
4. Ask a man out
5. Send a thoughtful thank-you note
6. Listen to a friend in need
7. Ask for help
8. Effectively end an unhealthy relationship (romantic or platonic in nature)
9. Beautifully wrap a gift
10. Say “no” gracefully
11. Whip up a great dinner with the five items in her fridge
12. Fix just about any household problem armed with nothing but a roll of duct tape (you've got this one, as evidenced in the photo above!)
13. Sew a button
14. Make store bought bake sale goodies look home made
15. Take off her bra without removing her shirt
16. Apply lip gloss in the dark
17. Balance her checkbook
18. Create a budget
19. Find the best deal
20. Negotiate a salary and/or pay raise
21. Read a map
22. Hail a cab
23. Say something in French just because
24. Apologize when she’s wrong
25. Dress for her body type
26. Change a flat (or know whom to call to come change it)
27. Spot a fake (handbag, diamond, potential friend …)
28. Feign interest
29. Know what to tip on a $25 dinner bill
30. Hold a baby

Thanks Stacie!! I appreciate the birthday shout out. I'm pretty confident that I have completed this list before 30 and some items were even checked off this weekend--- not saying which ones though:)
Almost... #14.. I have NOT done! Darn! And I'm a bit over 30! :)
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