
Happy Birthday, Kiki!

(Photo: L to R - BestBuys, Kiki, me, and the Rev)
Today is my SIL Kiki's birthday--I won't say how old she is but next year our ages will start with the same number and I can't wait!

Kiki's a transplanted Southern gal, who can't help but let some Jersey through every now and then, which cracks me up. She is a list person and control freak, just like me. She is a marathon runner who loves ridiculously high heels--I can count on one hand the number of times that I have seen her in flat shoes! If she's reading, I am hoping that she takes note of the fact that I will be happy to take any of her old purse castoffs--hey, no shame here, she buys the good stuff! We are different in alot of ways, but our greatest commonality is that we both love my brother, BestBuys. She's good for him and takes care of him and that is all that matters to me.

So, Happy Birthday, Kiki--make him treat you to something good!

We love you!

(and the Rev and Scarlett, too!)

1 comment:

Mandi Shandi said...

Okay, I have to stop catching up on your blog and get out the door or the kids are gonna kill me, but the chicken recipe looks fantastic, I will definitely be trying it, and I had to tell you this is a SUPER cute pic of you!