
What's Up This Weekend?

Here's what's up this weekend at our house:
  • Easter Egg Hunt tomorrow morning! ( I hope that I remember to take the basket, I always seem to forget and the poor kid has to hunt with a grocery bag!)
  • Birthday dinner for my Mom tomorrow night. Elise is pretty excited for cake and cousins.
  • And a trip to the big city to see my Mom means time at Target and Trader Joe's!
  • I need to round up accessories for Elise's Easter outfit while I am at Target and finish Easter basket shopping.
  • I need some time to recover from 2 tough Boot Camp classes and a Cycle class this week. (Please don't ask me to lift my arms above my head or make me laugh - everything hurts!)
  • And of course, it is not a weekend without the usual house cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and meal prep.
What are your plans this weekend?

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