Living with MeeMaw meant weekly grocery shopping trips, with Granny (my great-grandmother) until she passed away, and then just the two of us. Typically right around the beginning of August, the stores would start stocking Halloween candy. Now MeeMaw lived in the middle of nowhere--unpaved roads, no street lights, and all kinds of creatures that go bump in the night...and no trick-or-treaters, not a single one in the 4 years that I lived there and probably none before that. But every August, each week MeeMaw would buy a bag of Halloween candy during our grocery store trip...she'd say it was "just in case" we got some trick-or-treaters that year, but she'd have it eaten by the time the next week rolled around (she was notorious for her love of all things sweet!), thus the need to buy another bag.
Fast forward to now, we live in a neighborhood of older folks, so we've never had any trick-or-treaters either, unless you count Team Jacie's crew stopping by when they make their rounds. But I was at the store today, the candy called to me, and even though we were at church tonight, the porch light wasn't on, and no one rang the door bell that doesn't work, I bought Halloween candy, because if she were still here, MeeMaw would...
That's right! "Just in case..."
we always have candy but no one dares to venture into the woods to trick or treat
I love this story. I think MeeMaw and I would've got along just great. :)
I love this! You tell such a good story! I like memories like that. :o)
I'm like your MeeMaw. I have SUCH a sweet tooth. If there's candy here, it won't be for long! ;o)
Awww! Us too! We always have candy "just in case".
Haha! Love it!
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