Tip #169
but I might have enough to make myself beautiful!
Mix 1/2 cup fresh strawberries, 1 tablespoon whole milk, and 1 tablespoon cornstarch in a blender to make a smooth paste. Apply to your face and neck; leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
The antioxidants in the strawberries help diminish the signs of aging and the milk fat is an awesome moisturizer. A perfect way to use up those too ripe berries or to use the pitiful 5-6 that your gardening efforts yield...
**Alright now, I'm talking tips, head over to see what Impulsive and Shawn are talking about on Talk to us Tuesday!**
well if doesn't improve your skin at least it's edible..lol
Hmm, interesting! I buy strawberries from the grocery store that often go bad very quickly...good to know they have an alternate use!!
Great idea!
I like Jill's idea of using the ones that go bad before I can eat them.
this sounds fun for the face!
Have you tried this yet? As soon as you try it, and you don't get any bad side effects, I'll do it too! Deal?
Pretty cool!!! I love finding recipes for body/face care!
How many strawberries have you grown so far? Do they taste good?
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