
Do You Reuse?

I am the first to admit that I do not recycle, but I love to re-purpose and reuse--to take something destined for the trash and make something useful of it. One of my favorite DIY/Crafting blogs is Make It and Love It--Ashley is constantly showing us how to re-purpose--I am convinced that she could make a dress out of thin air! She is an awesome resource, with tons of tutorials

Take this holder for charging your cell phone--she showed us how to make it from a lotion bottle (I used a body wash bottle), a little fabric and some Mod Podge. Need one for yourself? You can get the full instructions here.

What great idea have you stumbled upon recently? Janette really wants to know, so don't leave her hanging! Head on over (just click that pretty little button below) and see what is inspiring her and others! And don't forget to link up your own great find--the more people at the party, the more fun!


  1. I try to reuse when I can...but I have zero room in our apartment to store anything for later projects.

    This is a VERY clever project!

  2. i try when i remember and cute idea


I'd love to hear from you!